Here are so superstitions I have hear when I was growing up or that I have found on the net. See how many you have heard. Remember that these are just superstitions. Some say that they are real other don't think so, I myself don't believe in them. Don't get lost along your way. |
If a bird flies into a house, or taps on a window, it is said to bring death to someone who dwells in the home within a years time. It is said that the reason for this is that the birds soul is inviting another soul to join it in death. |
If one catches and cages a sparrow it will bring death to the father or mother of the home where the sparrow is kept. |
If a robin flies into a room through a window, death will shortly fo |
Light candles on the night after November 1. One for each deceased relative should be placed in the window in the room where death occurred. |
Light candles on the night after November 1. One for each deceased relative should be placed in the window in the room where death occurred. |
You must hold your breath while going past a cemetery or you will breathe in the spirit of someone who has recently died. |
If a clock which has not been working suddenly chimes, there will be a death in the family. |
You will have bad luck if you do not stop the clock in the room where someone dies. |
If a woman is buried in black, she will return to haunt the family. |
If a dead person's eyes are left open, he'll find someone to take with him. |
Dogs howling in the dark of night, Howl for death before daylight. |
If you dream of death it's a sign of a birth, if you dream of birth, it's a sign of death. |
If you touch a loved one who has died, you won't have dreams about them |
A person who dies on Good Friday will go right to heaven. |
A person who dies at midnight on Christmas Eve will go straight to heaven because the gates of heaven are open at that time. |
All windows should be opened at the moment of death so that the soul can leave. |
The soul of a dying person can't escape the body and go to heaven if any locks are locked in the house. |
If the left eye twitches there will soon be a death in the family. |
If a dead person's eyes are left open, he'll find someone to take with him. |
Funerals on Friday portend another death in the family during the year. |
It's bad luck to count the cars in a funeral cortege. |
It's bad luck to meet a funeral procession head on. |
Thunder following a funeral means that the dead person's soul has reached heaven. |
Nothing new should be worn to a funeral, especially new shoes. |
Pointing at a funeral procession will cause you to die within the month |
Pregnant women should not attend funerals. |
If the person buried lived a good life, flowers will grow on the grave. If the person was evil, weeds will grow. |
If a mirror in the house falls and breaks by itself, someone in the house will die soon. |
To break a mirror means 7 years bad luck. |
Mirrors in a house with a corpse should be covered or the person who sees himself will die next. |
It is unlucky to see your face in a mirror by candlelight. |
A mirror should be covered during a thunderstorm because it attracts lightning. |
A white moth inside the house or trying to enter the house means death. |
If 3 people are photographed together, the one in the middle will die first. |
If 13 people sit down at a table to eat, one of them will die before the year is over. |
Dropping an umbrella on the floor means that there will be a murder in the house. |
It's bad luck to open an umbrella inside the house, especially if you put it over your head. |
To protect yourself from witches, wear a blue bead. |
Touch blue And your wish Will come true. |
If a black cat walks towards you, it brings good fortune, but if it walks away, it takes the good luck with it. |
a black cat walks in front of you, you'll have bad luck for the rest of
the day, or someone you know will die.
Keep cats away from babies because they "suck the breath" of the child. |
A cat onboard a ship is considered to bring luck. |
It's bad luck to pick up a coin if it's tails side up. Good luck comes if it's heads up. |
Don't step on a crack on a sidewalk or walkway. |
Step on a crack Break your mother's back. |
If you dream of death it's a sign of a birth, if you dream of birth, it's a sign of death. |
Dream of running: a sign of a big change in your life. |
Dreams at night are a devil's delight Dreams in the morning, heed the angels' warning. |
Mistletoe in the house protects it from thunder and lightning. It also cures many diseases, is an antidote to poison and brings good luck and fertility. |
A girl standing under a mistletoe cannot refuse to be kissed by anyone who claims the privilege. |
If you leave a rocking chair rocking when empty, it invites evil spirits to come into your house to sit in the rocking chair. |
Rosemary planted by the doorstep will keep witches away. |
Bad luck will follow the spilling of salt unless a pinch is thrown over the left shoulder into the face of the devil waiting there. |
Put salt on the doorstep of a new house and no evil can enter. |
Salty soup is a sign that the cook is in love. |
Three seagulls flying together, directly overhead, are a warning of death soon to come. |
Place a hand in front of your mouth when sneezing. Your soul may escape otherwise. |
The devil can enter your body when you sneeze. Having someone say, "God bless you," drives the devil away. |
If you sneeze on a Monday, you sneeze for danger; Sneeze on a Tuesday, kiss a stranger; Sneeze on a Wednesday, sneeze for a letter; Sneeze on a Thursday, something better; Sneeze on a Friday, sneeze for sorrow; Sneeze on a Saturday, see your sweetheart tomorrow. Sneeze on a Sunday, and the devil will have domination over you all week. |
One for sorrow Two for joy Three for a letter Four for a boy. Five for silver Six for gold Seven for a secret, never to be told |
Sparrows carry the souls of the dead, it's unlucky to kill one. |
All wishes on shooting stars come true. |
Star light, star bright First star I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might Have the wish I wish tonight. |
A watermelon will grow in your stomach if you swallow a watermelon seed. |
If you make a wish while throwing a coin into a well or fountain, the wish will come true. |
Wish I may,Wish I might Have the wish I wish tonight. |
If you tell someone your wish, it won't come true. |
Two people pull apart the dried breastbone of a chicken or turkey until it cracks and breaks, each one making a wish while doing so. The person who gets the long half of the wishbone will have his or her wish come true. |
Here are some about vampires. |
If a person stakes a vampire in the heart he will turn to dust. |
If a person take holy water and throws it on a vampire the vamp will burn. |